Author: Gabriel Palmer

Navigating a Safe Workplace: The Importance of Sexual Harassment Training

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a pervasive issue that impacts employees across industries and sectors. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), around 70% of individuals who experience harassment in the workplace do not report it, often due to fear of retaliation or consequences. This highlights the need for proactive measures, such as sexual harassment training, to create a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.

The Legal and Financial Impacts of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment not only has detrimental impacts on individuals but also has severe legal and financial consequences for employers. Employers have a legal obligation to provide a work environment that is free from harassment, as mandated by federal and state laws. Failure to do so can result in costly lawsuits, damage to the company’s reputation, and loss of employee morale and productivity. Additionally, sexual harassment can lead to increased turnover, absenteeism, and decreased job satisfaction among employees, negatively affecting the overall success of an organization.

Sexual Harassment Training

The Role of Sexual Harassment Training in Preventing Workplace Harassment

Sexual harassment training plays a crucial role in preventing workplace harassment by creating awareness, promoting understanding, and equipping employees and employers with the necessary tools to prevent, identify, and address incidents of sexual harassment.

Raising Awareness: Sexual harassment training helps raise awareness among employees about what constitutes sexual harassment, the different forms it can take, and the negative impact it can have on individuals and the workplace. By educating employees about the various behaviors that can constitute harassment, including verbal, nonverbal, and physical actions, employees are better equipped to identify potential harassment situations and take appropriate action.

Promoting Understanding: Sexual harassment training promotes understanding of the different power dynamics and dynamics of gender, race, and other characteristics that can contribute to harassment in the workplace. It helps employees understand the importance of respecting diversity and inclusion, and how unconscious biases can impact interactions in the workplace. By fostering a culture of understanding and inclusivity, sexual harassment training can help prevent incidents of harassment from occurring in the first place.

Providing Tools for Prevention and Response: Sexual harassment training equips employees and employers with the necessary tools to prevent, identify, and respond to incidents of sexual harassment. This includes providing guidance on how to report incidents of harassment, what to do as a bystander, and how to handle situations where harassment may be occurring. Training can also provide information on the legal rights and responsibilities of both employees and employers in addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. With Seyfarth at Work Sexual Harassment Training, your workplace will be a safe and healthy environment to work in where your employees stay motivated

Workplace sexual harassment training

Best Practices for Effective Sexual Harassment Training Programs

Implementing an effective sexual harassment training program is crucial to creating a safe and respectful work environment. Here are some best practices for developing and implementing a successful sexual harassment training program:

Comprehensive and Regular Training: Sexual harassment training should be comprehensive and cover all aspects of sexual harassment, including definitions, examples, reporting procedures, and legal rights and responsibilities. It should be provided to all employees, including managers and supervisors, and conducted on a regular basis to reinforce the importance of maintaining a harassment-free workplace. The popularity of online sexual harassment training is rising due to the fact that more people are working from home and it is easily accessible.

Interactive and Engaging Content: Sexual harassment training should be engaging and interactive to ensure that employees are actively involved and retain the information. This can include case studies, scenarios, and interactive discussions that allow employees to apply the concepts to real-world situations. Interactive training can help increase understanding and retention of the material.

Inclusion of Real-Life Examples: Sexual harassment training should include real-life examples that are relevant to the workplace, industry, and culture of the organization. This helps employees understand how sexual harassment can occur in their specific work environment and provides them with practical examples to recognize and address potential incidents.

Sexual harassment training courses


In conclusion, sexual harassment training is a vital tool in preventing workplace harassment and fostering a respectful and inclusive work environment. It not only helps organizations comply with legal requirements, but also promotes awareness, understanding, and prevention of sexual harassment. By implementing best practices for effective sexual harassment training programs, organizations can create a workplace where all employees feel respected, valued, and safe. It’s time to prioritize sexual harassment training as a crucial component of workplace culture and take proactive measures to prevent harassment and create a positive work environment for everyone.

Digital Agency Toronto Services You Cannot Say No To

Wondering why your competitors are beating you in making sales of late? Consider your trouble solved. As Digital Agency Toronto, we are aware of how crucial your digital presence is, not only to you but also to your audience. That is why our competent team is dedicated to help your venture stay afloat in this digital migration. We are here for you! 

With the few clients we serve (10-20 clients is the requirement), be assured of maximum custom-made services and a very present workforce. Worried about the cost? Don’t worry; the prices depend on the nature of services your business requires. On mentioning the services we gladly offer, read on! 

  1. Search Engine Optimization 

What more can you ask for, than a criteria in which search users view your website first on their computers? We ensure you posses an active presence online in the list of searches. Here’s how it’s done; we dig deeper to find out whether your content is really what people are looking for, identify potential competitors that upload similar content and develop ways to distinguish you from them. We are totally aware of the keywords most searched online, and all you have to do is to trust us. 

  1. Search Engine Marketing 

Are you being unsuccessful, looking for catchy headlines that will lure your readers to your site and no other? Can you grab your users’ attention, and retain it as well? Digital Agency Toronto foresaw this hurdle and has had you in mind all along. For your advertisements to be placed on search spots, you have to propose the words you desire to use, which will cost you depending on their popularity. We offer a wide variety of suggestions which will definitely sell, and tune the search engines to show your purchased keywords. 

  1. Social Media Marketing 

With more than 3 billion active social media users, you may think that this is manageable, but that is where you are wrong! It takes a lot for a business to thrive on marketing online. First, we match different content in your business website to the most suitable audience and preferred social media handle. Then we amplify your voice by conducting captivating social media campaigns to create awareness on the products sold, and discounts if any. This is not over yet until we read each of your viewer’s comments, and read in between the lines where necessary to maximize on profits. 

  1. Affiliate Marketing 

Which entrepreneur in this day and age has got the time to satisfy one customer after another, and deal with distribution all at once? We make your business easier and convenient. For instance, we get you the right influencer with millions of subscribers to advertise your products or services to them. You only need to agree on how the payment will be allocated. It’s as simple as it sounds. 

As an entrepreneur, you cannot expect much from a small pond!  Now that you know the secrets the experts were not telling you, register to our services today, and be part of our clientele of whom we look forward to working with Toronto PR firm Paradigm.  


This is a Canadian program that provides the support needed inform of tax credits or refunds to partnerships, individuals, and corporations conducting experimental development, and scientific research. It is a single large source of the federal government support that is designed to encourage development and research in Canada. Over 20,000 claimants have benefitted from the$3 billion tax incentives that it provides. 

Objective of SR&ED 

  • Deliver the tax incentives in a consistent, predictable, and timely manner, and at the same time encouraging business to prepare their claims in compliance with the policies, procedures, and tax laws

Criteria of eligibility for your project for SR&ED 

  • Technological uncertainty. Faced with technological challenges. 
  • Technological advancement. Increase the technical base from where it was at the beginning of the systematic investigation. 
  • Technical content. It must have gone through an iterative process. 
  • It has to be able to generate new scientific information. 
  • There has to be a systematic investigation carried out by analysis or experiment. 

How SRED can benefit your company 

It provides financial incentives by:  

  • Bettering the position of your company for future SR&ED projects. 
  • Funding the technological, and scientific advances for competitive purposes. 

Businesses eligible 

Businesses involved in applied or basic research, and those advancing in technology to develop the new devices, products, materials, and devices  

They are categorized into; proprietorships, private corporations controlled by Canada, and other corporations. 

Expenditures incurred for SR&ED to claim 

  • Materials 
  • Contracts of the program 
  • Salaries and wages 
  • Overhead 
  • Third party payments 
  • Lease cost of equipment 

How to determine the expenditure 

Use the two methods; 

  • Traditional method. In this method, you claim all the SRED expenditures incurred during the year. Identify the overhead costs. 
  • Proxy method. In this, you calculate the substitute amount for overhead expenditures by using a formula. 

How to make a claim 

File an income tax return along with the prescribed forms . 

When to file a claim. 

When applying for SRED tax incentives, the prescribed forms have to be filed by your reporting deadline which is 18 months from end of tax year you incurred the expenditures. 

What happens after you send your claim

The CRA( Canada Revenue Agency) determines whether it can be processed. It will reduce the taxes payable if the filed claim has been processed. If not, the CRA(Canada Revenue Agency) will request for more information so as to review your claim. 

Items when considering the preparation, performing, and defending of the claims 

  • Dated documentation. It’s availability makes the review run smoothly. 
  • Timesheets. Key when claiming time for employees. 
  • Founder payments. 
  • Missed forms. 
  • Collaboration. 
  • Cost overruns. 
  • Prepare for CRA.( Canada Revenue Agency) 

Services offered by SRED program 

  • Pre-Claim Consultation. 
  • First-Time  Claimant Advisory Service. 
  • Pre-Claim Review. 
  • Information of the Public, and Industry-Specific Seminars. 

Best Practices To Bring Your Call Center Closer To Success

A call center is one of the most valuable tools that form a gateway to effective communication with your customers. This is especially useful as you can use various contact platforms such as  phone, emails, text and social media among others to attend to inquiries, conduct market research as well as delivering information about new products at your business. After reading this article, you will discover tips that will bring your call center to desirable success call center best practices 

1. Recruit Highly Skilled Professionals 

Employing the right persons for the job at a contact center is a matter of aptitude and attitude. Therefore, employees with both attributes is an added advantage. The individual should be well natured when it comes to customer service, having effective communication and listening skills In addition to these skills, they should have an excellent memory to capture the most important details pointed out by the customer of interest. 

2. Train Your Personnel 

This includes formulating a program that assists your employees to understand the call center basics such as how to handle customer complaints and other inquiries. This may help them learn to spot opportunities in customer complaints which could help improve service. 

3.  Appropriate Scheduling  

Organize your call center to accommodate abrupt changes and allows your employees enough time to relax and refocus. Even better, identify peak and low times when calls arrive and allocate agents in shifts.  

4. Offer Independent Feedback to Each Employee on Performance  

Oftenly, commend your employees for successful call operation at contact center and politely highlight any serious mistakes made during the work period. This makes them feel appreciated and may trigger openness. In case of complaints by a member of the team, take your time to listen carefully and give appropriate response.  

5. Gather Data and Use it as Reference in Decision-making 

Assessing data such as customer satisfaction reviews, promoter score and the outcome of calls may give insight to setting better objectives. After analyzing the data as a team, you are in a better position to set more realistic as well as achievable targets.  

6. Delegate Responsibilities at Call Center 

Delegation is an efficient way to ensure that tasks at the call center are handled correctly and productively. This approach helps you create a program that allows your employees to make decisions independently and empowers them by making them feel they belong to one team. This way, you can even create time for more serious issues in your business.  

7. Organize Your Work flow to Counter Demand 

In order to balance the workplace, avoid hiring a large team for a small amount of tasks at the work center. Again, ensure that your team is not too small to handle the work at the contact center.  

How You Can Enlist a Firm That is specializing in digital strategy To Discover Additional Assets!

The main objective of a company is to grow over time. This growth is inspired by the need to overcome challenges and adversity. Numerous organizations usually apply a digital strategy in response to these challenges. This is the application of technological resources as part of strategic management to overcome challenges or increase the capability of an organization. This effort can be made in-house. However, it is best performed with the assistance of a firm that is specializing in digital strategy. Here is more on how this can be accomplished. 

What the digital strategy entails 

The fundamental pillar of a digital strategy is technological resources. These include computers, smart devices, the Internet, applications, peripherals, and others. They help you to formulate and implement a digital strategy. In addition to these resources, a digital strategy contains a plan. This provides you with the direction for your effort. It also helps you to establish benchmarks to measure your progress over time. Together, the digital resources and strategic plan make the digital strategy successful. 

Methods through which this strategy can be applied 

There are two main ways through which a digital strategy can be applied. They include: 

Enterprise-focused: This is where the digital strategy is focused on the operational and financial aspects of the business. This includes elements such as sales optimization, product creation, revenue generation, and brand awareness through social media. The enterprise-focused application of the digital strategy seeks to boost the profitability of your company. 

Tenet-focused: In this application of the digital strategy, the focus is more on the foundational principals of your organization. Essentially, the tenet-focused method bolsters your mission, vision, and company goals. The digital strategy assists you in defining the mission, clarifying the vision through creative design, and achieve your goals more effectively.  

While these methods are different, they can be applied concurrently. This is known as a digital compound strategy. 

The steps of a digital strategy 

There are some important steps that are performed by a firm which is specializing in digital strategy. They are: 

Strategic identification: This involves a closer look at the opportunities, risks, and resources of a company. Furthermore, it includes an assessment of the assets and liabilities in hand that are of a digital nature.  

Stakeholder inclusion: Every organization has some stakeholders. These are the people who stand to benefit from the company’s success. A digital strategy can help to identify the stakeholders of your company.  

Clarify the digital vision: Nowadays, companies have both real-world and digital visions. The digital strategy helps to make the digital vision clearer. This means that the company is able to identify the opportunities that exist on a digital plane.  

Strategic prioritization: A core benefit of having a digital strategy is the increment of your knowledge-base. Relying on this knowledge can help you to prioritize the company’s resources in a strategic way. 


A digital strategy is a valuable effort for every organization or company advertising agency in Toronto When applied by a firm which is specializing in digital strategy, it helps with self-analysis and business evolution. The guideline above describes this process intimately. 


Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing as Revealed by the Traditional Marketing Firms

The primary purpose of a business is to make a profit and grow. But in order to achieve this success, you need to promote your business effectively using various promotional methods to create public awareness. This will assist in attracting a lot of loyal customers who will tend to repeat business regularly with you. Traditional methods offered by Traditional marketing firms might be the best way to attract many clients, but it has been replaced by the modern techniques, and so it is important to weigh the pros and cons of the traditional marketing methods before using it on your business.

Listed below are the advantages of traditional marketing;

Able to reach an audience in local areas- The traditional marketing is a very efficient method of marketing since it cuts across all the social classes and geographical boundaries. By this method, you will be able to reach a large audience within a short period of time.

Marketing mode is familiar- It’s a very familiar method of advertisement to most of the people, especially the older ones and businesspeople as the material for promotion is self-explanatory. They will accept the fliers which are generated to them and find time to go through since they will easily notice that it’s an advertisement for a certain brand.

It is possible to recycle and reuse- Tradition marketing, as stipulated by the Traditional marketing firms, has an added advantage of recycling and reusing, especially when you are using hard copies of promotional materials like the posters. This assists in saving a lot of money, which could have been used in coming up with the copies again.

Greater exposure- This method of marketing usually contributes to the greater success of the business. It has been tested and proven to be great since, unlike the online method, it guarantees the message reaching the target audience, unlike the online method of marketing.

Like any other thing, traditional marketing does not lack its disadvantages, which should also be put into consideration when making decisions. Listed below are the disadvantages of traditional marketing;

It is not economical compared to online methods- For marketing your product or business in a magazine or even distributing the posters from one location, you have to pay some money. Unlike in the online method, not charges are required to update the website.

Not suitable for customized marketing- Specific clients cannot be targeted when it comes to traditional marketing since only a particular market can be targeted, but in the online method, you can look at what the client is looking for and suggest some options suitable for him or her.

Provides less content relating to the product- It is difficult to bring out prices that are complex and also offers available for purchasing different products.

In conclusion, the traditional marketing method can be incorporated with the online mode of marketing to bring out the best results in your business. By discussing these issues with the traditional marketing firms, they can be able to organize a solution that is suited for your needs My Left Foot Design

Amazing Kitchen Utensils That Made My Cooking Experience Incredible- All Products Are Sold On Shopify

Cooking is more of an experience that just an activity. For that experience to be a good one, you need the right tool. This article focuses on four major tools to make your cooking life an amazing experience. All these are products sold on Shopify

1. A stainless steel sink. Now you must be wondering, why so specific on stainless steel? Because stainless steel is amazing. Compared to concrete or ceramic ones, stainless steel sinks have some advantages. They look so professional at a glance with their glaring metallic material. They are also so easy to clean and do not stick on stains, all you need is a simple flash of sopped water and a cotton towel to clean, both of which are products sold on Shopify

2. A wooden kitchen cabinet with glass doors. Why wooden, and with glass doors? Wooden furniture always gives your house and kitchen a unique sense of organic beauty. They are also easy to find, install and repair compared to the metallic ones, and price, they are obviously cheaper. Glass doors of the cabinets allows you to see what you are looking for at a glance thus saves you time in the kitchen. You can find these how to learn Shopify clues on youtube.

3. A metallic hanging rack. have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are wondering where to put those long handles utensils that do not know how to play the trick of balancing themselves ? Well I had, before I met my new friend, a metallic hanging rack. Sold in Shopify, a hanging rack most preferably erected right against the wall does some miracles putting your kitchen into order. This is the place where you hang scooping spoons and pans among other utensils. Find it in Shopify and see for yourself.

4. Hanging cabinet. You are probably wondering, a hanging cabinet? Yes, a hanging cabinet. It?s not more of a cabinet than a hanging storage rack at head-top. It comes just as a wire frame which can be attached to the top of your kitchen and then place your utensils there. The fact that it does not have doors makes accessing things from it so easy that you can even access it from two sides. Mostly it is placed over a kitchen table which has been centrally located.

Imagine that all these products can be found at one place. That palce is Shopify provides you with a very wide range of products all at a click away. With the large number of sellers in the site, Shopify provides not only variety, but also flexibility. Beautify your kitchen with products sold on Shopify.

How To Scale In Business With Proper Project Management

3 Types of productivity software programmes found in office suite

Knowing the type of is an important step to ensure that when purchasing, you only buy what you require. There are a number of productivity software programmes in the market out there. Before deciding to purchase one, it is important to evaluate your needs so that you buy a programme that will satisfy them.

  1. Word processor

This programme appears in most office suites. It allows the end-users to jot down, redo, and structure the messages acordingly. The word processor has such features as dictionary, grammar check and fonts. The information can be easily shared using emails of through social networking sites.

  1. Spreadsheet

The programme is meant to handle numerical data. It has features like calculators, formulaes that can be used to manipulate data to meet certain needs. The usage of visual information like graphs and charts are important when presenting information.

  1. Slide presentations

It entails preparing a number of documents that will be organized in a sequential manner. It is an important way of sharing ideas through slide show presentations or web browsers.

  1. Database management/ relational databases

The software has mechanisms of categorizing data and storing it accordingly. When reporting the data, you do it according to the sections available. The software is customized to meet various client needs.

  1. Desktop publisher

The programme is meant assist those who might want to publish various documents using their machines. It has various graphical information that can be manipulated to satisfy various needs of users. Users have the opportunity of publishing documents like cards, bronchures, website pages and greeting cards.

  1. Drawing/Graphic Software

Arts use this programme to form visual images. The programme uses various tools like stylus and mouse to create visual representations. Images are manipulated using either a Raster Editor or a Vector image editor.

  1. Math/ Formula editor

These are small ads-on software using word or OneNote. It enables users to write formulas as text which then allows them to communicate mathematical logics.

  1. Personal organizer

These programs enables users to prepare there lists and organize them properly to enable them meet their targets. The programme is tuned to work in sync with the use?s email client programme.

  1. Project management

The software is supposed to enable the project managers to manage large teams involved in project implementation.

  1. Diagramming

This is a type of drawing that enables the presentation of architectural drawings and organizational chart structures. It is mainly used to offer visual communication.

  1. PDF

This application enables the users turn texts into pictures that cannot be manipulated. It also enables users to read the text without straining.

Things You Did Not Know About Project Management

Knowing the type of software is an important step to ensure that when purchasing, you only buy what you require. There are some productivity software programmes in the market out there. Before deciding to purchase one, it is important to evaluate your needs so that you buy a programme that will satisfy them.


  1. Word processor

This programme appears in most office suites. It allows the end-users to jot down, redo, and structure the messages accordingly. The word processor has such features as the dictionary, grammar check and fonts. The information can be easily shared using emails through social networking sites.


  1. Spreadsheet

The programme is meant to handle numerical data. It has features like calculators, formulas that can be used to manipulate data to meet certain needs. The use of visual information like graphs and charts are important when presenting information.


  1. Slide presentations

It entails preparing some documents that will be organized in a sequential manner. It is an important way of sharing ideas through slide show presentations or web browsers.


  1. Database management/ relational databases

The software has mechanisms of categorizing data and storing it accordingly. When reporting the data, you do it according to the sections available. The software is customized to meet various client needs.


  1. Desktop publisher

The programme is meant to assist those who might want to publish various documents using their machines. It has various graphical information that can be manipulated to satisfy various needs of users. Users have the opportunity of publishing documents like cards, brochures, website pages and greeting cards.


  1. Drawing/Graphic Software

Arts use this programme to form visual images. The programme uses various tools like stylus and mouse to create visual representations. Images are manipulated using either a Raster Editor or a Vector image editor.


  1. Math/ Formula editor

These are small ads-on software using the word or OneNote. It enables users to write formulas as text which then allows them to communicate mathematical logics.


  1. Personal organizer

These programs enable users to prepare their lists and organize them properly to enable them to meet their targets. The programme is tuned to work in sync with the use’s email client programme.


  1. Project management

The software is supposed to enable the project managers to manage large teams involved in project implementation.


  1. Diagramming

This is a type of drawing software that enables the presentation of architectural drawings and organizational chart structures. It is mainly used to offer visual communication.


  1. PDF

This application enables the users to turn texts into pictures that cannot be manipulated. It also enables users to read the text without straining.